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Kasemsri Connor brings a wealth of international expertise, with experience in the construction, F&B, Hospitality and Oil & Gas industries.

We constantly look for possibilities in the market to drive advancement. We see challenges as opportunities and tackle problems in a different way than traditional businesses. We explore new dynamic business models and introduce pioneering products and services. Empowering our leaders and teams to take the initiative and make an impact in everything we do.

From generations of well-established family members building businesses and brands in Thailand, we bring trust to all industries that we invest and work within.

Kasemsri Connor consists of a variety of diverse investments in various corporations, each of which has become the leader in property development, brand management, hospitality, and food and beverage industries. These complementary businesses continue to strengthen our position in the marketplace, both domestically and internationally.


At Kasemsri Connor, we leverage our expertise and experience to identify lucrative exploration and distribution opportunities. With partners in governments, Family Offices and Private institutions our commitment to energy security and environmental stewardship guides our investments in this vital sector.


Recognizing the potential of real estate markets, Kasemsri Connor has made substantial investments in the development and acquisition of prime properties worldwide. Our portfolio includes residential, commercial, and mixed-use projects that cater to diverse market demands. With a focus on delivering exceptional quality and value, we create vibrant spaces that enhance communities and drive economic growth.


Embracing the digital age, Kasemsri Connor actively invests in transformative technologies and disruptive startups. We recognize the power of innovation in driving economic progress and seek opportunities in sectors such as artificial intelligence and e-commerce. By supporting pioneering ventures, we aim to shape the future and accelerate technological advancements across industries.





We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our dealings, ensuring transparency, trust, and accountability in every aspect of our operations



Environmental and social responsibility are integral to our investment philosophy. We prioritize sustainable practices and actively engage in initiatives that contribute to a greener, more inclusive future.



We embrace innovation as a driving force for growth, constantly seeking new opportunities and cutting-edge technologies to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving global landscape.



We value collaboration and actively seek strategic partnerships with industry leaders, governments, and local communities, fostering mutually beneficial relationships built on trust and shared goals.

© 2023 by Kasemsri Connor Investments LLC
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